Tuesday, 23 December 2014


Hello everyone! 

Today's blog is going to be a bit shorter but for those of you that just love pictures! It is going to be on my favourite things! I'm afraid it's going to be quite a long list, but this time I'm not going to ramble on about why I like them! I have to say, one of my all time favourite things at the moment is writing these blogs for everyone of you to read. Hope you enjoy!

Especially Gigi and Pumpkin. 


Especially the horses I ride including Blaze, Rosie and William. 

Blaze and I doing a dressage test


Vogue and OK! magazine 


A very well loved OK! magazine 

Hot Chocolate - aka my favourite drink, especially in autumn and winter!



Parental Guidance
Saving Mr Banks


Long walks through the country

Frosty leaves on a winter's morning 

Beach days
One of my favourite past times is lying on a warm beach or swimming in the sea. I just love it!

Twitter and Instagram
I spend a lot of my time on both of these sites. Please follow me on both!

Reality TV shows


The Jump
I'm A Celebrity
Got To Dance
The Voice
Strictly Come Dancing

So I hope you got to know a bit more about me from this blog and some things I like! I couldn't resist writing a little bit for some of them. What kind of blogs do you prefer from me - the longer ones where I write loads or ones with a bit of writing and loads of pictures? Also please comment down below if we have anything in common as I would love to hear what you have to say!

Follow me on:

My blog
Twitter: @blazingahashtag
Instagram: @blazingahashtag

Saturday, 6 December 2014


The meals made of mush I'm talking about are SCHOOL MEALS!!!!!!

Why is it that even the simplest recipe goes horribly wrong when made in a school kitchen? Apart from anything else the kitchen smells of rotten eggs and stale grease. I honestly have to hold my nose every time I enter because you can't breathe properly in there! 

Look, I'm not asking for a Michelin starred chef to come and cook (although that would be nice), all I want is something simple that is actually edible and doesn't contain a whole can of curry powder, black pepper or mushrooms. Please, don't get me started on mushrooms. 

Anyway, I wish Jamie Oliver's ideas for simple, easy but healthy meals would be used at schools. Instead of the usual burnt chips or mushroom stroganoff. You'd think by now, it would be the easiest thing in the world to follow those ideas. 

But what I'd really like is something like this! Made by http://deliciouslyella.com/recipe/almond-quinoa-pumpkin-seed-bread/ Why is it so hard to have healthy food at school?

In fact, the other day I even found AN ARMPIT HAIR in my pasta. I'll let that sink in. 

It's not that I don't like food like chocolate and donuts, but overall I prefer healthy meals because they make me feel better. 

Anyway, I expect the Earth would stop spinning on it's current axis before school meals are actually half decent. 

Are your school meals as bad as mine? Have you found hairs in your food? Which is your favourite recipe? Please comment below! 

Blaze XX

PS: Recently, I had a virus and eating healthy food has been one of the main ways that has improved how I felt. 

Saturday, 15 November 2014


I have decided to write this blog because recently it was National Cat Day and to be honest, I didn't even know there was a day devoted to cats until now. It's a great idea! 

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved animals, in particular - cats. So, I thought I would tell you a bit about my feline friend. 

Her name is Gigi. She found me when I needed a pal. She turned up as a stray, just after I had lost my beloved ginger cat and was naturally very very upset. 

Nice to meet you! 

Gigi appeared out of nowhere, looking terribly thin and uncared for but immediately came to me and brushed against me. I had to let her in. After making lots of enquires, nobody claimed her, so we decided to look after her and give her a loving home. 

She has been with us for over 5 months now and if you call her name enough, she gets very overexcited, puts her face very close to mine and slaps me with her paw! This is also how she has adopted the nickname 'Ninja cat'! 

Ninja cat! 
She is a genuinely funny cat. Due to being a stray, we think, this has made her very suspicious of other people, and she usually gets really cross when lots of people show up. 

Recently, I have had a bit of an obsession with putting hats on her, even though I'm not normally one of those people who likes to dress their pets up - but she doesn't like it all, except the Santa hat! 

Gigi in her Santa hat

She does have funny quirks. She is almost like a dog. If you call her, she will trot alongside you or sit on your lap and will also run and fetch sticks and balls! 

Also, recently, we noticed that she was sneezing a lot and thought she had a cold or cat flu. The vet gave her a jab for flu but the sneezing carried on until we noticed, one day, she had something sticking out of her nose - a piece of grass! When pulled out, it was about six inches long! Poor Gigi! Thankfully, she is not sneezing anymore! 

Gigi in her witch's hat

This is the neighbourhood cat, Marmaduke, (aka her worst enemy) who keeps coming in and stealing her food! 

Marmaduke eating Gigi's food! 

Cats are absolutely wonderful pets. Yes - they are independent, but in your time of need, they are the greatest of companions. 

Thursday, 30 October 2014


Last week the rising stars of YouTube performed to their loyal fans for the first time. The nine vloggers on stage included Zoella, Caspar Lee and Tanya Burr and the venues were Brighton, Liverpool and Birmingham. 

The YouTubers on stage 

Amity Fest lived up to its name of friendly affinity with Alfie Deyes (Pointlessblog), Caspar Lee, Joe Sugg (Thatcherjoe), Jim Chapman, Louise Pentland (SprinkleofGlitter), Marcus Butler, Niomi Smart, Tanya Burr and Zoe Sugg (Zoella). Between them they have over 12 million avid followers and growing. 

The only disappointment for the screaming fans was the absence of Joe Sugg due, apparently, to possible food poisoning. However, after missing two of the venues, he did turn up in the last minute of the final show, surprising not only the fans but his fellow YouTubers on stage. 

It was such a popular event that there were huge queues of devoted fans outside, who had been waiting since 8am in the morning to be at the forefront of the standing area. 

I was lucky enough to get my hands on one of the 75 VIP tickets, which entitled us to an hour to meet, take selflies and talk to the nine vloggers. The 75 people were split into groups of 25 around the room and the Youtubers were standing together in groups of twos or threes. We were able to move around the standing pit of the theatre to have our opportunity of meeting all nine. There was a big queue for Alfie Deyes! 

My VIP ticket

My first encounter was with Zoella, probably the most famous of all with 6 million subscribers and having just won the Radio 1 Teen Award for Best British Vlogger for the second year running. Her latest achievement was her new beauty line of which I have many of the products, including the makeup bags which she signed.  Zoe was warm and charming. She had such a natural and kind aura I felt she could have been my bae! 

Zoella, Louise and Alfie with their cardboard cut-outs! 

Next was Alfie Deyes. He is the author of the Pointless Book which has sold out in bookshops and is high up on best seller lists, right next to Girl Online by his girlfriend Zoella. #Zalfie ! 

Alfie and Tanya 

Afterwards, I went to Jim, who was offering the fans piggybacks!  I couldn't take up the offer because my dress was too long ! 

Jim Chapman 

I also met Niomi, who is a fellow vegetarian. I often look at her recipes for healthy eating! I also loved her hairstyle - I really want to know how to do it! 


With Marcus we took ugly selfies, and while I was waiting in the queue Marcus brought out his camera and started vlogging us! I also bought an orange Marcus Butler cushion for my friend! 

One of the last people I met was Caspar, who had injured his back, which I asked him about and he said it was a bit better. 

Without exception, all of them were patient and generous with the clamouring people and gave everyone the opportunity to take endless selfies for their Twitter and Instagram feeds! 

The standing area! 

The actual show itself was a fun event but very loud and reached over 100 decibels by screaming! The YouTubers took part in challenges such as building a human pyramid and fighting each other in fat suits, and did the 'most likely to tag' live on stage. 

Amity Fest worked because all the YouTubers are, in real life, great friends brought together by their success on the Internet.